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Status Pages and Dashboards

Status Pages display the current and historical uptime of a given service's Components. These pages can also display relevant metrics and offer a way to subscribe to updates to the Components on the page via Notifiers.

Each status page has a Dashboard that allows a team to update the page itself, as well as alter its configuration. With Hund, a team can manage multiple status pages on the same account, with the ability to share settings, Components, Issues, Users, and more. For multi-page accounts, a special Global Dashboard becomes available.

Single-Page Accounts

For accounts with a single status page, only a single dashboard is available for updating and configuring the sole status page.

A new page can be added at any time by clicking the New Status Page button in the dashboard sidebar. The configuration settings, styles, branding icons/logos, and Privacy Control configuration (if enabled) will become the global default for all new status pages, and can be edited globally from the Global Dashboard once a second page is created.

Multi-Page Accounts

For accounts with multiple status pages, each status page has its own individual dashboard for controlling the particular page. Plus, the Global Dashboard is available for altering objects and settings across all status pages.

The Global Dashboard

From the global dashboard, all Components, Issues, and other objects used across all pages are visible and modifiable, making it easy to manage objects across the entire account.

Settings can be changed that affect all status pages, so long as a particular status page is not overriding a setting with its own value.

The Dashboard Switcher

Every dashboard contains a dashboard switcher, located at the top of the dashboard sidebar. This can be used to switch to any page-specific dashboard the current user has access to, including the Global Dashboard, as well as a link to create a new status page.

Shared Objects

In a multi-page account, several objects can be shared between status pages.


Components can be shared between status pages. Each status page will react to status changes and broadcast notifications via their own Notifiers (see Notifiers and Subscriptions section below for more detail).

To share an existing Component into another page, from either the specific status page or Global Dashboard, simply click the Add Component button on the Group you would like to add the component to. A modal will appear allowing you to select and then add an existing Component to the Group.

Orphaned Components

When a status page is deleted, it may leave behind its unshared Components, which will cause them to become orphaned without a status page. These Components can still be added to any remaining page, and can be viewed/modified from the Global Dashboard via the Components section.


Issues (and Issue Templates) are naturally shared between status pages if the affected components are shared between pages, or if the issue affects components across multiple pages without sharing.

To create an Issue affecting separate components on multiple pages, simply create the Issue from the Global Dashboard. All Components on your account will be visible from here, and can be selected accordingly.

Users and Roles

Users and their roles are shared naturally between status pages. All users are created for the entire account, and not a specific page. Users may have roles that only allow them access to particular pages, which is accomplished by page-scoped roles (see below for details).

Page-scoped Roles

Every Role in Hund has several "scoped" versions of itself.

The main scope is the "global" scope, meaning the Role (whether it be Payer, Admin, Team Member, or a custom role of your own) applies to all status pages, and the global dashboard.

Furthermore, each Role will also have a status-page-scoped version that applies only to that specific status page. This can be used to limit a User's ability to view/modify specific status pages depending on their role-set (e.g. Admin (Page 1), Team Member (Page 2) for admin-access to "Page 1," but only Team Member access to "Page 2").

Scoped roles can be easily used in conjunction with Privacy Controls to limit the visibility of certain components to different roles.

Status Page Configuration

Configuration settings are also shared across status pages. These settings can be globally altered from the Global Dashboard, and overridden individually from a specific status page dashboard.

When on a specific status page dashboard, overridable settings will appear "grayed-out" with a tooltip explaining that it is being synced with the Global Dashboard. Clicking the field will allow you to override the value with a status-page-specific setting. For any overridden field, you can click the sync icon just above the field to again sync the field to the Global Dashboard. Don't forget to save any changes using the Update button at the bottom of the form, wherever the overridable field may be.

Various configuration settings are set globally, including all settings featured in the Settings section of the dashboard, as well as Design and Privacy Controls (when enabled).

Privacy Controls

Most settings in Privacy Controls can be overridden on a per-page basis (IP whitelist, default component authorization level, etc.). However, it is important to note that the actual Authorization Level of any Component is technically a global setting, and cannot be overridden. Each level can be changed from any dashboard so long as that dashboard enables privacy control, and contains the Component itself; but, this setting is always shared across all pages.

Therefore, it is not possible to display a private Component on a public page (though the inverse is naturally possible by enabling Disable Public Access for entirely-private pages that contain public components), nor is it possible to have a component requiring authentication to only require IP-whitelist inclusion on other pages.

Single Sign-On

Currently, a Hund account may have a single SSO configuration (enabled and configured via the global dashboard). This will enable SSO on all status pages under the account. Status pages cannot have their own SSO configuration.

Unshared Objects

Some objects, namely Groups, Notifiers, and Subscriptions, are not shared between pages whatsoever, and must be created/configured separately.


Status pages can group their Components (even when shared) into any arrangement of Groups they see fit. These Groups cannot be currently shared between status pages, however. Each status page has its own set of Groups.

Notifiers and Subscriptions

Notifiers (and Subscriptions to those Notifiers) are not shared between status pages, nor are there global versions of these. Each status page enables its own set of Notifiers, and configures them accordingly. Subscriptions to one page are not shared into another. Each page will require a separate Subscription.

Note: Staff email notifications are based on User accounts, which exist globally, and so a user will receive notifications for any visible components across all pages visible to the User unless explicitly excluded in their account notification settings.


Each status page can have its own custom domain, backed by an auto-generated HTTPS certificate. Navigate to the Domains page and follow the inline instructions for setting up your domain and securing it. Domains are not shared between status pages nor the global dashboard. Each page may have a single, unique custom domain.

Moreover, the global dashboard can also have its own custom domain, which is configured in the same way described above.


By default, the main account (whose billing details are accessible from the Global Dashboard) pays for all usage across all status pages. However, it is possible for individual status pages to enable their own billing (enabled from Payment Details on the particular status page dashboard, provided the current user has a Payer role). This will cause the status page to pay for any objects solely used by that status page (i.e. unshared Components and any high-frequency costs, all managed email subscribers, etc.).

Components that are either orphaned or shared across multiple pages are always paid for by the main account. See our pricing calculator for an interactive description of how Component costs are calculated depending on the number of status pages paid for by the main account.